Friday, December 30, 2011

Bananas and Plantains

On Monday, Kirsten, Caleb and I (Joshua) had the opportunity to go with Angel, a local Honduran boy, up the mountain to get bananas. I did not realize what an experience this would be!

We left around 9:00 in the morning, and an hour and a half later, after a vigorous climb up the steep mountain side, we arrived at the plantation. The man there quickly cut us two big stocks, one for me, and one for Angel. He also gave us several smaller hands for Kirsten and Caleb to carry.

After a brief rest and a snack of finger bananas, it was time to head back. Angel effortlessly lifted the huge stock onto his shoulders and started down the trail. I tried to do the same, but quickly realized I am not a Honduran! The 40 pounds of bananas poked into my back and neck, and no matter how I positioned the stock, the discomfort soon turned to pain.

It was a long trip down the mountain, and once we reached home again, my shoulders were very sore to say the least!

So the next day, when Fernando (a neighbor boy) asked if I wanted to go up the mountain with him to get Plantains, I was not super excited. But he assured me that we’d be taking his horse to carry the load. This sounded great, and Wednesday morning we (Fernando, Zack and I) headed off.

We took turns riding the horses, and let me explain to you that Honduran saddles only consist of two boards at 90 degree angle, and you sit at the peak, with a little rag beneath. Not the most comfortable thing!

When we arrived at Fernando’s family’s plantation two hours later, we cut all the Plantains off their stocks. We then cut banana leaves (for padding inside the bags) and packed the plantains in the bags.

One of the ladies living there, was very kind and gave us some much appreciated food, for by this time we were very hungry.

The view along the way

The trip back down was a lot quicker, and soon we were unloading everything at Fernando’s house.

Now we have Plantains along with our Bananas ripening on our front porch - all for just six hours of strenuous hiking!



  1. Wow. Just wow. Love the pictures. You make me giggle, Joshua brother. ;)

  2. I was literally LOL when I read your story Josh! Great way to stick out the pain! :)Hopefully someone in your family gave you a massage after such an experience! Thanks for sharing!

  3. It's to bad they don't have saddles that don't hurt!! I know the filling!
    May God be with you on your trip home! I hope you all get home safe!! Hope you all are doing well! Can't wait to see you all in January!
    Blessings to you all!
